Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 1, 2025
It Is Now, Then, That the Divisions and Abominations That Have Taken Up Residence in the Holy Place, in God’s Work, and That Have Profaned the Perpetual Burnt Offering, Will Be Revealed More Clearly
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on February 28, 2025
References: Bible, Judges 18
The following text was taken from the internet and it was helpful for me to better understand Dan, a descendant among Joseph's sons who settled in the promised places.
Violent, usurping Dan seizes, in the mountains of Phoenicia (Lebanon), the house of Laish inhabited by a quiet, prosperous but defenseless people, then easy prey for the violent.
The Levite, who agrees to accompany them, is driven by avarice and ambition. He willingly settles, as an imposter, in the midst of the unfaithful and invading people.
Micah's legitimate anger has no effect on men who are stronger than they are and who threaten them with death.
This victim city falls prey to the violence of the sons of Dan in defiance of the ordinances of the Law.
The tribe of Dan then changes the name of the city. It's the spirit of Cain: violence, lies, murder, that dominates and leads the people into apostasy.
Violence then leads to the public manifestation of idolatry. This idolatrous corruption spread under successive kings "until the day of the captivity of the land" and schism is established as well as idolatry by means of unfaithful sacrificing (profaned consecration). But both (those who do it and those who follow it) are jointly responsible in God's eyes.
magnanimous God does not abandon His people. No, God's compassion never ceases.
But before we see the Light of God's Grace lift up His poor people, we must still witness the Revelation of their moral decay. Thus, in the immorality of Dan and his people, the Book of Judges ends. This is followed by the Book of Samuel and the story of King David.
Reading this story about Dan, it's easy to make the connection with present times, even if the narrative is discreet, without too many details. The Man doesn't change, and neither does the Fallen One.
God remains our loving Father and Jesus remains Redeemer. Who among us Christians has not heard God's call? Who of us Christians has not seen the decadence and decay in the Church, weak, invaded, usurped but seemingly indifferent to its fate or complicit in its silence or acceptance of heresies and insults to God and Mary Immaculate, so devoted in her mission as Co-Redemptrix?
Word of Jesus Christ:
"I bless you My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
You who read My Divine Word where I accompany you through the history of mankind written in the Bible, you notice and share how stubborn the fallen one is in what he wants and what he does. You also notice how weak, lax and malleable My poor children are when they are not anchored in God's Love. They lose more and more the transmission of the Word, so vigilant to help and save all Mine.
Pray, My child, pray with all the fervor of your heart so good. Unite, from all the earth, in prayer, save the Body of Christ
You have reached, My children whom I hold so dear, the moment you dreaded while hoping. Truth and revelations arise, intertwined, in the mess, with all the false information spread to bring confusion.
Many will have to see what they have denied or wanted to ignore by silencing My Truth-bearing prophets and the advice coming from Heaven. These false brothers and false prophets, bearers of lies, have manipulated and destabilized God's people and the whole earth.
Darkness has invaded Creation, darkness weighs down and blinds the soul that no longer recognizes the path to its Salvation.
My children, open your eyes and hearts, it's a question of will, a question of honesty and humility. God exists! and, insistently He is calling you. Alas, the vast majority of you are following the paths of horror that have been planned for you. Resist being drawn into the traps of evil. Happiness and peace exist for you, seize now the simple and holy Life that belongs to you.
The usurper goes where his convictions are. He leaves what he has built as a legacy to those who followed him. So it is now that the divisions and abominations that have settled in the Holy Place, in God's work and that have profaned the perpetual burnt offering, will be revealed more clearly.
Be strong My faithful children, My servants, My pastors, My prophets, all children of God. In solidarity, watch and pray, your path is straight, it is the only one in Truth and the only one that leads to God, in the footsteps of Christ.
Jesus Christ"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"
Thank You, Lord, for allowing Your word to spread freely. The streams of grace flow unhindered from Your Holy mouth. Who are we to limit YOU, the almighty GOD?
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